Structured Cabling
Network & Other Low Voltage Cabling
K&J Communications provides a wide variety of data and fiber optic cabling services for our clients. Most commonly, we install turnkey Cat-6 (and Cat-5e) data networks for customers doing new office build-outs, office renovations, or expansions. In today’s world of open office spaces and exposed industrial ceilings, it’s vital that you choose a data wiring vendor with the experience and know-how to design and install a complete data network no matter the office design.
Aside from turnkey Cat-6 networks for new build-outs, K&J offers a wide variety of other data cabling related services for our clients:
Fiber Optic Cabling
For a lot of small and medium sized business ‘inside’ fiber optic cabling may not ever come into play, but for businesses with office or campus layouts that require distributed network closets, fiber optic cable is virtually a requirement. K&J Communications has over 10 years of experience running, terminating, testing, and repairing multi-mode fiber optic cable as well as extensive experience doing the same with single-mode fiber optic cable.
Identify / Label / Certify
Occasionally, you’ll be lucky enough to move into a new office space where the previous tenant was nice enough to leave all of their data cable in place! Unfortunately, all of the labels were marked with marker and they’ve all worn off and now all you know is that you have cable in place, but you don’t know which cables are where and if anything was damaged during your renovations. Call K&J Communications to come in and identify, label, and certify your new (old) cables. A couple technicians spending half a day identifying and certifying cables before you move could save your IT vendor (who has a 2X rate) from spending an entire weekend trying to fight network issues related to a few bad cables.
Server Rack Cleanup
Has your server rack gotten out of hand? If your tangled bird’s nest of a server rack has gotten out of control, call K&J Communications in to do an after-hours server rack clean up. Nothing like leaving one evening with a server rack that generates anxiety and returning in the morning to a rack with color coordinated and right sized patch cords so you can more easily manage your company’s IT infrastructure.
Security / Access Control Wiring
It’s far too common during construction projects for customers to pay one vendor to run data cable and another vendor to pull security and/or access control cable in the same suite. Not only is this inefficient, but if the second vendor decides he has a better path to run the cable than the first vendor whose cable is already in place, now you have cable running two different routes. You’ll certainly get some pushback from the security vendor, but you’ll save quite a bit of money if you just ask them for a schematic of what cable types they need where and let us pull your 18/2, 22/6, and various other security cables along with the data cable that we’re already pulling …at the same time …down the same path.
Data Cable Removal
Current fire safety standards in almost all locations require that abandoned low voltage cable is to be removed from above ceiling and below floor office spaces. These standards have been around for a while but are beginning to be enforced more and more as the amount of abandoned low voltage cable above ceilings continues to grow. Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant tasked with removing this cable, the last thing you want to is hack out your neighbor’s feed cable (or even worse a carrier feed cable for the building) that happens to be running above your suite. Call in some professionals to remove the cable responsibly and avoid the headaches.